Wondering how to keep the momentum going for your school garden over the winter? There are still a lot of options to continue your school garden program over the next few months until you can consistently be outside again. Here are some ideas and resources to get you started to incorporate indoor gardening into your classroom this winter and think of ways students can plan your garden, order seeds, grow seedlings, make plans for fundraising and more!
- Use the Maine School Garden Network Monthly School Garden Checklist and see what’s suggested for January – March! Organized by month, each section provides a checklist for planning and tasks needed to be done on a seasonal basis for success in a school garden. Check out the Teaching in Your School Garden resource page for more information.
- Read this article from Kids Gardening Indoor Garden-Based Activities to Get You Through the Winter for five fun indoor options to try with your students.
- Watch Indoor Gardening Activities for Any Classroom from Massachusetts Farm to School which includes easy, affordable ways to introduce youth to seeds, plants, and gardening indoors. They explore simple laboratory investigations that can be done in any classroom as well as simple ways to create “green” space in a classroom setting.
- Watch Winter Garden Activities with Kids 2-12 from Georgia Organics and farm to school educator Jenna Mobley for a hands-on interactive farm to school workshop focusing on winter gardening activities you can do with students age 2-12.
- Watch Selecting a Hydroponic System for Your Classroom webinar from Kids Gardening shares important considerations to make when choosing a system and the educational resources available to help integrate a hydroponic garden into your curriculum.
- Read MSGN School Garden of the Month profiles to give you ideas and stay inspired!