Garden Name
Sanford Regional Technical Center & Plants Plus Greenhouses
School or Community Site
Sanford Regional Technical Center
Physical Address
100 Alumni Blvd
Sanford, Maine 04073
Contact Name
Pamela Durack
Vegetable and herb Garden, Flowers and ornamentals, Orchard, Greenhouse or hoop house, Aqua/Hydro-ponics, Composting, Grow lab(s) or tower inside
When was your garden project started?
What type of facility hosts your garden?
Public High School
What programs does your garden project include?
Landscaping and Horticulture
Does your garden have a paid coordinator?
Who volunteers in your garden?
How is your garden project funded?
School budgets and revenue raised by Plant Plus
What community connections do you have?
Local farms, growers, Land Trust and Landscape companies
Who tends the garden when school’s out?
What are your future goals?
Well managed composting systems
What is your most significant need?
Irrigation support on campus projects