School or Community Site
Physical Address
207 East Avenue
Lewiston, Maine 04240
Contact Name
Michele Lever
Vegetable and herb Garden, Flowers and ornamentals, Greenhouse or hoop house, Composting
When was your garden project started?
Early 2000s
What type of facility hosts your garden?
Public Elementary School
What programs does your garden project include?
Outdoor science classes for all students, after-school cooking club, partnership with school food pantry, FoodCorps Service Member
Does your garden have a paid coordinator?
Who volunteers in your garden?
Michele Lever – science teacher and garden coach, school teachers and staff, FoodCorps
How is your garden project funded?
FoodCorps, Saint Mary’s Nutrition Center
What community connections do you have?
after school cooking club, cafeteria, school food pantry
Who tends the garden when school’s out?
Michele Lever, FoodCorps, Saint Mary’s garden programming
What are your future goals?
Expand garden education, build shed, plant pollinator garden in the front of the school
What is your most significant need?
We have a significant need for additional funding for our garden coach position. We currently have a small stipend through Saint Mary’s Nutrition Center but it does not cover the total hours our school garden coach spends maintaining the garden- the beds have a huge surface area and they are under large oak trees so weeding alone is an incredibly time consuming and arduous task!