School or Community Site
Jordan Small Middle School
Physical Address
423 Webbs Mills Road
Raymond, Maine 04071
Contact Name
Michele Brann
Vegetable and herb Garden, Greenhouse or hoop house, Aqua/Hydro-ponics, Composting, Grow lab(s) or tower inside
When was your garden project started?
What type of facility hosts your garden?
Jordan Small Middle School has 20’x 26′ Greenhouse & outside garden doubt that size
What programs does your garden project include?
We have an after school garden club spring & fall. 5th, 6th & Special Ed tends greenhouse in the winter months growing spinach & lettuce for cafeteria. All items grown are coordinated with school cafeteria program
Does your garden have a paid coordinator?
Who volunteers in your garden?
Sheila Frappier Master Gardener has headed this program up for the past 10 years with help from ED Tech Teacher John Keller who retired this past spring & still comes to help. This year is first year for a stipend $1200 split between the two.
How is your garden project funded?
The school district pays a per pound price on vegetables which is used for seeds, seedlings and misc items for the garden; such as compost & tools. We have had some donations in the past from parents.
What community connections do you have?
School community is very involved. We also have a few neighbors of school that help with weekend watering from time to time. Our seedlings are grown by MOFGA certified growers & friends of Mrs. Frappier
Who tends the garden when school’s out?
Sheila Frappier & John Keller share this duty.
What are your future goals?
We would like to expand this program to include more of the students interested in gardening. We limit Garden Club to 10 students/once a week – but would like to see it become a twice/week 10/afternoon. Getting all grades 5-8 involved.
What is your most significant need?
Mrs. Frappier & Mr. Keller are semi-retired and we would like very much to pay them a stipend for their time, gas, & support of this outstanding program. We think with available funds we might be able to have more interest in the gardening program from younger teachers, High school student mentors, or other community people.