School or Community Site
Bonny Eagle Middle School
Physical Address
92 Sokokis Trail
West Buxton, Maine 04093
Contact Name
Ethel Atkinson
Vegetable and herb Garden, Greenhouse or hoop house, Composting
When was your garden project started?
We’ve had a greenhouse for many years. Now we are expanding to outdoor beds and composting.
What type of facility hosts your garden?
Greenhouse in outdoor raised beds
What programs does your garden project include?
cafeteria waste, some years we’ve had an after school club, some years we’v had a class for composting ad recycling, currently we have a STEM program working on refurbishing our greenhouse and raised beds
Does your garden have a paid coordinator?
Who volunteers in your garden?
instructional coach, science teachers, STEM teachers, after school program (sometimes)
How is your garden project funded?
grants, funds from school bottle collections
What community connections do you have?
We work closely with ecomaine, school board, town government
Who tends the garden when school’s out?
Some years teachers have tended the gardens.